Bear spray is one of the most effective predator deterrents. It can be used for bears, mountain lions, and other predators. Although bear spray is effective, it’s only useful if it is readily available. Many people carry it in an unsupported holster, on a waistbelt, or even shoved into their pack. There are better ways to carry bear spray.
The Warning Shot holster is designed and produced by Gunfighters Inc. located in North Idaho. The Warning Shot is custom molded from Kydex and manufactured from parts sourced in the U.S.A. It’s a rigid holster yet comfortable to wear, easy to draw from, and comes with a lifetime warranty.
In some circles bear spray is considered the best method for predator deterrent while in others it’s considered 2nd to a gun. The truth likely lies somewhere in between, and bear spray is certainly worth considering as an emergency defense method.
In the rest of this article, we will cover the pros and cons of bear spray and handguns for predator defense, help simplify how to choose your defense method, teach you how to properly use your bear spray, summarize bear spray products, and discuss what we believe is the best bear spray holster on the market, the Warning Shot Holster.

Best Defense Methods for Predators
The best defense method for predators is a contentious issue. In our opinion, your best defense is the one you are most comfortable with and regularly carry. Now let’s take a look at the pros and cons of the two most popular defense methods, bear spray, and firearms.
Bear Spray
Bear spray is essentially pepper spray on steroids. A canister of bear spray is more potent, has a longer range, and holds a lot more repellent. Like anything, bear spray has its strengths and weaknesses. We cover these below.
- Bear spray is lightweight. This makes it easy to carry and it won’t weigh you down on long hikes.
- It’s not as regulated as a handgun. You should always check rules and regulations wherever you travel, but in the United States, you should be good to carry bear spray almost anywhere you want. This isn’t true for handguns.
- Bear spray is easy to purchase. Nearly every sporting goods store, especially those in areas with predator populations, will have at least one brand of bear spray on their shelves.
- Bear spray is relatively cheap. Most cans of bear spray sell for $30-$50.
- It’s very easy to learn how to use it. Although it’s a good idea to practice, using bear spray is fairly foolproof.
- The biggest con to bear spray is that it doesn’t work well in strong winds. This is because it’s an aerosol that depends on either the wind blowing straight from your back to the predator or little to no wind at all so that the cloud hangs in the air and sticks to grass and brush that the animal will run through on its way to you.
- Bear spray won’t stop all animals. Just because a bear or mountain lion was sprayed, doesn’t mean that it’s going to stop. There are stories of bears running straight through the cloud of spray and attacking the victim.
- It can’t be reloaded. If you empty a can of spray in an initial attack and the animal comes back, then you no longer have a defense.
Many experienced outdoors people carry guns for self-defense against four-legged predators. People in Grizzly Bear country may decide to carry a long gun like a shotgun, loaded with buckshot or slugs, or a high-caliber rifle. That said, across the country, it’s more popular for people to carry handguns and that’s what we will focus on here.
The caliber is largely dependent on two things: the person’s ability to accurately and quickly fire a gun, and the species of bear in the areas where they like to recreate. Popular handgun calibers range from 9mm to .500 S&W. I like to carry a 10mm. Let’s discuss the pros and cons of using handguns for self-defense against predators.
- Handguns are capable of eliminating the threat. This is an important distinction between handguns and bear spray.
- They are loud. In some cases, all that’s needed to scare away a predator is a sudden loud noise. If yelling doesn’t work, a warning shot can often lead to the predator running away.
- They can be reloaded. If you empty your handgun on an initial charge, you can reload it and still have a way to defend yourself.
- It may be obvious but it’s worth stating. Handguns aren’t affected by the wind. It can be blowing as hard as it wants from any direction and your handgun won’t let you down.
- Handguns are difficult to shoot and you will need to practice a lot. Handguns are only effective if you can hit what you’re aiming at. In the case of a charging bear, you may only have a couple of seconds to draw and accurately shoot and disable the bear. This means a head or spinal shot.
- Handguns are expensive. A quality handgun, even a used one, will cost hundreds of dollars. Add to that the cost of a holster, ammo, targets, and possibly a range membership, and you can expect to spend well over a thousand dollars before you are proficient with it.
- In some states, handguns are highly regulated and you may need a special permit to own one. Remember to check all state and local firearm laws not only where you live, but also where you will be traveling and recreating.
So, Which One Is Right for Me?
This is a great question and only you can answer it. There is also a lot of discussion around this topic. Some people proclaim that bear spray is the best option while others wouldn’t hike without their handgun. We think we can make the decision easier for you.
The first thing you need to decide is if you have the funds to purchase and practice regularly with a handgun. If not, then buy bear spray. This is easily the best option for you.
If you have the funds then decide if you will also have time to practice. Again, if not, buy bear spray. It’s usually effective and is certainly better than nothing or even carrying a gun that you can’t hit anything with.
If you have the time and money, then you need to make sure you can legally purchase a handgun where you live. This will be dependent on your state and local laws.
If you’re still reading this then a handgun is likely a viable option for you. Keep in mind that there’s nothing wrong with carrying both. If you are recreating in an area with a high density of bears, it’s a good idea.
Additionally, if you are recreating with others, one of you could carry a handgun while the other has a can of bear spray. Sometimes predators are just curious and bear spray is a great way to nudge those animals along without having to resort to lethal methods.
How to Use Bear Spray
Bear spray is incredibly simple to use, but we are big believers that practice makes perfect. When you first purchase bear spray, buy one active can and one inert can. This combo pack is a great deal. The inert can does not contain the active ingredients that will deter predators. Use the inert can to practice with and carry the active one with you.
When practicing, try to imagine an actual bear. Take note of the wind direction, and move upwind of the bear. You want the wind blowing at your back. You probably won’t have time to do this during an actual attack but it’s good practice.
Next, remove the can from its holster as quickly as possible. It should only take a couple of seconds or less. Most cans of bear spray come with a holster. These holsters are typically flimsy and will only connect to a belt.
Although they work, there are much better options available like those from Gunfighters Inc. that we will talk about a little later on.
Now that you can quickly draw your bear spray, try drawing and removing the safety pin in one motion. Practice until you can do this efficiently.
Next, holding the spray with both hands, aim it at the imaginary charging bear. Once the bear is around 30 feet away, discharge the can for around two seconds. The can will likely kick up, which is why you need to hold the can with both hands.
If it kicks up, readjust your aim and use short bursts of around 2 seconds. You should get 3 or 4 of these bursts from a can.
That’s all there is to it. If you want more information click on this link that contains a video from the National Park Service showing how to use bear spray.
Bear Spray Products
There are a handful of manufacturers that make bear spray. The most common manufacturers are UDAP, Counter Assault, Sabre, and Mace. All of these sprays have been proven effective but some have a longer effective range than others.
For example, Counter Assault claims its sprays range is 40 feet while Mace says their product’s range is around 20 feet.
Our advice is to purchase the can of spray that has the furthest distance you can find and the most capacity.

The Warning Shot Bear Spray Holster
If you are going to carry bear spray, then you should also purchase a holster that you are confident in. The Warning Shot bear spray holsters made by Gunfighters Inc are durable and comfortable holsters.
They are designed and manufactured in Idaho, U.S.A. They also come with an incredible unconditional lifetime guarantee. You know your money is well spent when you are purchasing a Gunfighters Inc holster.
We offer two bear spray holster carry options so that you can choose your preferred method. These holsters are made out of custom-molded Kydex and are designed to fit the most common canisters of bear spray.
The Warning Shot OWB has malice clips that can be worn on a belt, attached to standard MOLLE webbing like on a backpack’s waistbelt, or on our drop thigh panel. Additionally, we offer the Warning Shot Chest Holster. It’s built similarly to our Kenai Chest Holster for handguns but with a Kydex shell made to carry standard cans of bear spray.
Closing Thoughts
Bear spray is an effective deterrent for predators. If you recreate outdoors in bear or mountain lion country, you should own and carry a can for personal protection. If you’re carrying bear spray, you should also have a reliable and comfortable holster for it.
We know as well as anyone, that if something isn’t comfortable to carry, then you’ll leave it at home or in the vehicle which doesn’t do you any good. This is why we have put so much effort into making our holsters the most comfortable you will ever wear.
Predator attacks happen suddenly and nobody thinks it will happen to them until it does. It’s best to be prepared and we are confident that you will be with a can of bear spray in our Warning Shot Holster. Have fun and be prepared out there!
March 10, 2023